
At least 80% of Americans are deficient in one or more critical nutrients. Even people eating a healthy plant-based diet are deficient because our soils are deficient! That’s why the basics are an important part of your optimal health routine. These are the supplements I use most frequently. I do realize that buying them all at once is an investment. If it’s too overwhelming, simply pick two to four, starting with the multi-vitamin. When you run out of those cycle onto a few different ones. So, for example, start with the multi and probiotic. When you run out of those, get the omega and D3, and so on. Continue to rotate through and you will still have a well-rounded supplement routine!

**Please note that all of the supplements listed on this page are hyperlinked to brands that I actually use. I am an Amazon associate. Any of the links here that take you to Amazon will earn me a small percentage at no additional cost to you. I thank you for supporting my small business!

**If you already use supplements that work well for you, feel free to continue using them! If you have questions about other brands, let me know. Supplement quality is important, but there are some supplements that can be bought at your local grocery store.



Omega 3

Vitamin D3

Greens powder

Collagen protein powder*

*Please note that you may prefer a flavored collagen protein for your morning shake. Other brands to try: Vital Proteins and Ancient Nutrition

Digestive health

For those wanting to go a step further in their supplement routine. Your gut is the site and source of nutrient absorption, immune health, and vitality. These supplements are recommended if you have digestive issues like bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, or gas; or if you notice things like you get sick all the time, have constant skin issues, or have autoimmune disorders.

L-lysine complex

Digestive enzymes



If you are just getting started, you don’t need a ton of equipment. However, fitness is a lifelong pursuit. The body adapts quickly, which means you will need to continually challenge yourself to continue getting results. You will do yourself justice to invest in a minimal amount of equipment.

Dumbbells in 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 lb. increments

Resistance bands

Yoga mat

Exercise bike or treadmill (if you live north of the Mason-Dixon line, you’ll probably need a place indoors to get your steps/general movement)