A Plea To All The Bad-Ass Women...

Last night I had a client in my studio who was having a rough workout. She apologized numerous times during the workout for not being able to push harder. She even texted me after the workout to apologize again.

She said she felt weak. I could tell she was disappointed in herself. I knew she was berating herself for not “bringing it”.

I think she was afraid that I was disappointed in her too. And this breaks my heart because it couldn't be further from the truth!


This is a woman who holds a full-time and very stressful job, she’s a mom to a young child (under age 3), and her husband works out of town a lot. Yet she still shows up like clockwork for every workout with a smile on her face and says: “Let’s kill it”.

This is my plea to all the bad-ass women out there - all the moms and working women who show up, work hard, and make it happen in spite of life’s curve balls:



And never forget...


Everyone has tough and/or disappointing workouts. Some weeks you’re not going to progress as much as you'd hoped. Some weeks you might even backslide. You won’t get as many reps or you’ll have to reduce the weight on the bar. Maybe you didn’t drink enough water that day. Maybe you forgot your pre-workout snack. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Maybe something bad happened at work that day and you took it out on your husband or your kid. There are a thousand factors that can influence your performance in the gym…but a personality flaw is NOT one of them!

You are a high-achiever. You work harder than 95% of the population. You set the bar high. You make time for your workouts. You show up. You put forth monumental effort. You don’t complain. You follow through. You are 100% BAD ASS…and as a trainer, I’m grateful to know and work with women like you.

Be proud of yourself for every effort you make. Accept and acknowledge that you're going to have "off" days, but realize that it has nothing to do with your character. 

Be your bad-ass self, brush it off, and see me again in three days.