Week Three
Welcome to Week Three! This week is all about continuing our basic routine and learning all things intermittent fasting. In the weekly schedule below, both Tuesday and Thursday are now optional IF days. Instead of breaking your fast at around 9 AM, you can simply skip the greens and collagen drink and wait until 11 AM or noon for lunch. If you find you are hungry midway through lunch and dinner, add the greens and collagen shake in during that time. Remember that IF does tend to naturally cause you to eat less, but you may feel more hungry at first. Please listen to all of the recordings about intermittent fasting. This can be a tricky space for women and it is best undertaken sparingly.
In other news…many of you love the BAS…and a few of you are about DONE with it. Rather than adding new dinner recipes to the recipes page, I have opted to add three new salad recipes and three soup recipes. You may choose any of these to swap in for lunches.
Please email me directly with questions: kellybailey1980@gmail.com
Day one
6:00 AM: Morning routine:
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
Workout A or 4 minutes of wake-up intervals: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes; Rotate through the following exercises for your work intervals: jumping jacks, squats, pushups, plank jacks (you will end up doing each exercise twice)
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard-boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or a small handful of nuts
12:00 PM: Eat a salad or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on the recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)
Day Two
6:00 AM: Morning routine:
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Optional fast! Skip the greens and collagen shake. Stay hydrated until lunch. Or, opt out of the fast and continue as normal by breaking your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts
12:00 PM: Wake-up intervals or 25 minute walk
12:30 PM: BAS or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)
Day Three
6:00 AM: Morning routine:
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
4 minutes of wake-up intervals or, if you are feeling good, do another workout!
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts (This could also be a third fasting day, if you wish to accelerate your results.)
12:00 PM: Eat a BAS or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)
Day Four
6:00 AM: Morning routine:
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Optional fast! Skip the greens and collagen shake. Stay hydrated until lunch. Or, opt out of the fast and continue as normal by breaking your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts
12:00 PM: Eat a BAS or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)
Day Five
6:00 AM: Morning routine:
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts
12:00 PM: Eat a BAS or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)
Day Six
6:00 AM: Morning routine (if you sleep in on weekends, that’s okay - just be sure to do the same routine whenever you wake up)
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
4 minutes of wake-up intervals or if you skipped a workout this week, you can make it up today
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard-boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or a small handful of nuts
12:00 PM: Eat a BAS or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on the recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)*
*Intermittent fasting is a very flexible lifestyle. If you like to be social and eat later than normal on weekends, that’s okay! I encourage you to live a fun and connected life with family and friends! You can fudge your IF schedule on the weekends. However, I do expect that you stick with the "no alcohol” and “no sugar” rules for the duration of this program if you want profound hormone benefits.
Day Seven
6:00 AM: Morning routine (if you sleep in on weekends, that’s okay - just be sure to do the same routine whenever you wake up)
drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)
4 minutes of wake-up intervals or if you skipped a workout this week, you can make it up today
Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water
9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts
12:00 PM: Eat a BAS or soup
6:00 PM: Healthy dinner! Choose options on recipes page or create your own by combining a healthy protein, whole-food carb, and vegetable.
7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)*
*Intermittent fasting is a very flexible lifestyle. If you like to be social and eat later than normal on weekends, that’s okay! I encourage you to live a fun and connected life with family and friends! You can fudge your IF schedule on the weekends. However, I do expect that you stick with the "no alcohol” and “no sugar” rules for the duration of this program if you want profound hormone benefits.