Week Two

Welcome to Week Two! This week is all about setting routines, which means not much is going to change! Think that’s boring? GOOD!!! The day in, day out of keeping your body healthy and functioning optimally isn’t sexy! It’s about creating a routine that’s simple and easy to stick with. Practice makes progress. During Week Two you may still experience cravings, irritability, and fatigue. This is especially true if the Fast 40+ plan represents a big change from what you were doing before.

This week I am asking you to…

  • Commit to cooking three recipes from the Recipes Page. There are plenty to choose from!

  • Commit to 4 workouts from the Workouts Page.

  • Continue to implement our morning routine and the BAS.

Please email me directly with questions: kellybailey1980@gmail.com

Day one

6:00 AM: Morning routine:

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • Workout A or 4 minutes of wake-up intervals: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes; Rotate through the following exercises for your work intervals: jumping jacks, squats, pushups, plank jacks (you will end up doing each exercise twice)

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS (big-a$$ salad) - see recipes page

5:00/6:00 PM: Choose a dinner recipe and make it!

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)

Day Two

5:30 AM: Morning routine:

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS

5:00/6:00 PM: Eat dinner - leftovers or cook

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)

Day Three

6:00 AM: Morning routine:

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • 4 minutes of wake-up intervals or if you are feeling great, slide in an extra workout - use Workout A or B

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS

5:00/6:00 PM: Choose a dinner recipe and make it!

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)

Day Four

6:00 AM: Morning routine:

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • 4 minutes of wake-up intervals

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS

5:00/6:00 PM: Eat dinner

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)

Day Five

6:00 AM: Morning routine:

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • Workout B or 4 minutes of wake-up intervals

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS

5:00/6:00 PM: Choose a dinner recipe and make it!

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)

Day Six

6:00 AM: Morning routine (if you sleep in on weekends, that’s okay - just be sure to do the same routine whenever you wake up)

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • 4 minutes of wake-up intervals or if you skipped a workout this week, you can make it up today

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard-boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or a small handful of nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS

5:00/6:00 PM: Eat dinner - leftovers or cook

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)*

*Intermittent fasting is a very flexible lifestyle. If you like to be social and eat later than normal on weekends, that’s okay! I encourage you to live a fun and connected life with family and friends! You can fudge your IF schedule on the weekends. However, I do expect that you stick with the "no alcohol” and “no sugar” rules for the duration of this program if you want profound hormone benefits.

Day Seven

6:00 AM: Morning routine (if you sleep in on weekends, that’s okay - just be sure to do the same routine whenever you wake up)

  • drink 16 oz. of water (yes, before any coffee)

  • 4 minutes of wake-up intervals or if you skipped a workout this week, you can make it up today

  • Lemon water tonic: 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt, pinch of cayenne, 1 to 2 T lemon juice, 8 to 10 oz. water

9:00 AM: Break your fast with a green collagen shake + 2 hard boiled eggs or 1/2 avocado or small handful nuts

12:00 PM: Eat a BAS

5:00/6:00 PM: Eat dinner - leftovers or cook

7:00 PM: Start your fast (no eating after 7 PM)*

*Intermittent fasting is a very flexible lifestyle. If you like to be social and eat later than normal on weekends, that’s okay! I encourage you to live a fun and connected life with family and friends! You can fudge your IF schedule on the weekends. However, I do expect that you stick with the "no alcohol” and “no sugar” rules for the duration of this program if you want profound hormone benefits.

I did it! Week Two is DONE!

I’m ready to move to Week Three!