12 life-changing questions to ask yourself in 2020
12 Life-Changing questions to ask yourself today
I’m a classic over-thinker. Sometimes it’s a positive attribute because I see a problem or challenge from many angles. But it’s a negative when I allow a problem to take on a life of its own in my head. I frequently make mountains out of molehills.
Once fear and self-doubt take control, nothing happens or I run away from the problem. Anyone else? Dwelling too long on a problem, challenge, or a potentially life-changing opportunity can keep me stuck in my “safe zone”…otherwise known as a rut.
We all get stuck. We all struggle to figure out our life’s purpose. We all get into situations where we know we need to do something, but we’re too fearful to act. I’ve used the following questions many times to help me clarify everything from career goals to knowing when to end a toxic relationship.
How to answer these life-changing questions
Did you know that the physical act of writing something down increases your odds of achieving or solving it by 40%? That’s huge! So don’t just answer these questions in your head! Put real pen to real paper and Write. It. Down.
It’s also critical that you answer these questions from your heart and not your head. Don’t censor yourself. Write down the very first thing that comes up – your gut reaction – even if it’s not the answer you expected or hoped for.
If you are at a fork in the road, let your intuition be your compass.
12 Life-changing questions to ask yourself in 2020
In your career…
1. If I knew I could not fail, what would I be doing right now? Where would I live? Where would I work?
2. If I had $10 million in the bank, would I still be doing what I’m doing right now?
3. If I don’t take this opportunity, will I regret it 10/20/30 years from now?
4. What really lights my fire? What did I want to be when I was a kid?
In relationships…
5. When I’m around this person/these people, do I feel comfortable and confident? Or do I feel less than?
6. After I am around this person/these people, do I feel drained or energized?
7. Do I trust this person/these people?
8. Do I feel understood, respected, and safe?
In general…
9. If a doctor informed me that I had less than a week/month/year to live, what’s the first thing I would do? Who would I call? With whom would I want to spend time? Where would I choose to be or go?
10. If I were coaching someone else, what advice would I give them?
11. What do I think my 100-year-old self would tell my current self about what really matters in life?
12. Pretend you are on your deathbed. Complete the following sentence: “I wish I had…”
The path to your best life involves honest and open communication…with yourself.
Life-changing questions are the start of living your best life
Believe it or not, the life you are living right now is a result of your feelings and thoughts, which trigger actions. You are responsible for almost everything that happens in your life. The key to living the kind of life you want involves a lot of honest self-exploration. Life-changing questions like these can help you clarify your underlying needs and desires, and, ultimately, take action to move yourself in the right direction.
Wow! This is pretty deep stuff, right?!? Did you answer these questions? Let me know if they helped you! You can comment below or send me an email at kellybailey1980@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you!
Blog Author: Kelly Bailey, IIN certified holistic nutrition coach, and NPTI certified personal trainer
Learn more about the author here.